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Gilad Shalit’s 23rd Birthday!

August 12, 2009

Today, Wednesday, August 12, 2009 is Gilad Shalit’s 23rd birthday. To mark the event, in Israel there will be an tefilla rally at the Kosel beginning at 7:00pm.

The family is calling on people from around the country, from all walks of life, to attend on behalf of their son, who is spending his fourth birthday in captivity. This also marks 1144 days in captivity for Gilad.

Of late, there have Arab media reports on a deal that will result in Shalit’s release in the near future, before the end of Ramadan, but Hamas officials in Gaza have denied the accuracy of reports.

Please pray for Gilad, and his safe return to his family, very , very soon.

Gilad_ShalitFor more on Gilad check this previous post.

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