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Calling the President O-Dumb-A Not Allowed

July 28, 2009

An aide to Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer has resigned after reportedly posting comments on her Facebook account defending racial profiling in the recent arrest of a Harvard professor and calling President Obama “O-dumb-a.”


Lee Landor, who had been Stringer’s deputy press secretary since May, posted a series of comments on her Facebook page over the weekend criticizing Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. and the president, you know that whole “stupidly” comment.

Landor had previously worked as a reporter for The Queens Tribune and as an editor for The Queens Chronicle before joining Stringer’s staff.

“Ms. Landor’s comments were totally inappropriate and in direct contradiction to the views of the borough president and his office,” Dick Riley, Stringer’s communications director said in a statement posted on the newspaper’s Web site.

“The borough president has accepted Ms. Landor’s resignation, effective immediately.”

Now, just wondering if ACORN or the SCEIU came in to convince Ms. Landor she should resign. Also her Facebook page had been deactivated on Monday.

If you recall this all comes from Professor Gates being arrested by a white officer last week at his home in Cambridge, Mass., on a disorderly conduct charge — which was later dropped — after a neighbor saw him trying to break into his own home.

In his address to the nation last Wednesday Obama was asked what he thought about the arrest, and replied, ” Since I don’t know all the facts I will just say I think the Cambridge police acted stupidly.”   He later backed away from those remarks, inviting both Gates and Sgt. James Crowley to the White House for a beer.

Some of the remarks from her page were captured prior to it being taken down. It not anything I’ve not heard on the news and radio over the last 5 days.

“O-dumb-a, the situation got ‘out of hand’ because Gates is a racist, not because the officer was DOING HIS JOB,” she wrote.

In another post, Landor wrote that racial profiling “does exist, but for good reason.”

“Take a look at this country’s jails: who makes up the majority of inmates? Exactly,” she added.

In yet another post, Landor wrote, “You know what, I am really getting SICK of hearing about how white people are evil racists… I get it — white men have dominated for hundreds of years and there’s a lot of anger there. But HOW MUCH MORE can the white people do to correct past injustices of their ancestors?”

This is just one more in a long line of Obama’s friends who have made it clear how they feel about this country. They stir hate and discontent every where. And to think these are the people who are teaching in the ivy league universities. Wow, just wow.

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